B.B.P. Hosmillo is a poet residing in South Korea. He is the author of Breed Me: a sentence without a subject (2016, AJAR Press), translated into Vietnamese by Hanoi-based poets Nhã Thuyên and Hai Yen.

Cyril Wong is a poet and fictionist in Singapore.

Hendri Yulius Wijaya is an Indonesian writer. He completed a research master’s degree in Gender and Cultural Studies at The University of Sydney and a master’s degree in Public Policy at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He writes about gender, sexuality, and popular culture for a mainstream audience in Indonesia. His most recent publications are Intimate Assemblages: The Politics of Queer Identities and Sexualities in Indonesia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and C*bul: Perbincangan Serius tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer (Marjin Kiri, 2019). He is currently finalising a poetry book that deals with queer and race issues.

Jaya Jacobo has taught literature, theory, criticism, popular culture, and gender studies for more than 10 years at the Ateneo de Manila University, where she graduated with an A.B.-M.A. in Filipino Literature. Currently, she is research fellow of the Philippine work package of the GlobalGRACE Gender and Cultures of Equality program at the University of the Philippines funded by the United Kingdom Research Innovation. A member of the Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP), she was co-project leader of the AIDS Society of the Philippines (ASP)-STRAP fundraiser for trans women in need during the COVID-19 pandemic and a recipient of the Amplifying Trans Advocacy Fellowship from the Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN). She holds the Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and the M.A. in Literary and Cultural Studies from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook through a J. William Fulbright Scholarship. She was founding co-editor of Queer Southeast Asia: A Transgressive Journal of Literary Art, co-editor of BKL/Bikol Bakla: Anthology of Gay Trans Queer Bikolnon Writing, and co-editor of the forthcoming Trans Pilipinas: Anthology of Writings by Trans and Gender-Diverse Filipinos. She was former President of the Film Desk of the Young Critics Circle (YCC).

Pang Khee Teik is a Malaysian arts consultant, activist, curator, organiser, photographer, and writer. In 2008, together with fellow activists and artists, he co-founded sexuality rights festival Seksualiti Merdeka in Malaysia. It was banned by the police in 2011. He remains active in speaking on LGBT issues as well as mentoring Malaysian LGBTs to organise. Presently Pang is the director of popular art bazaar Art For Grabs in Malaysia. He was formerly the arts programme director of The Annexe Gallery and the editor of arts website Kakiseni.com. His photographs have been exhibited in Malaysia, Singapore, Jakarta, Paris, Tokyo and Istanbul. In 2010, he received the Cross Cultural Champion of the Arts Award at the Boh Cameronian Arts Awards, Kuala Lumpur. Under the Chevening Scholarship, Pang graduated in 2013 with an MA in Gender, Sexuality & Culture from Birkbeck, University of London.