Christian Ryan Ram Malli is a copywriter and content writer currently based in Metro Manila, Philippines. His poems have been awarded multiple times in the annual Gawad Ustetika at the University of Santo Tomas. He has also won several poetry slams, including the Tanghal-Makata slam at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in 2019. His short suite, Kween Among Men, won at the Normal Awards for Gender-Inclusive Literature. He was a fellow during the 5th Amelia Lapeña-Bonifacio Writers Workshop. His works have appeared in Points of Contact, Dapitan, Cordite Poetry Review, Dx Machina: Literature in the Time of COVID-19, among others.
Listen to Christian Ryan Ram Malli reading Self-Portrait as an Underdeveloped Character
Listen to Christian Ryan Ram Malli reading Disturbances
[pdf-embedder url=”http://queersoutheastasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/QUEERSEA-ISSUE-3-JUNE-2022-Christian-Ryan-Ram-Malli.pdf” title=”QUEERSEA – ISSUE 3 – JUNE 2022 – Christian Ryan Ram Malli”]