Austere Rex Gamao is from the Philippines. He was a fellow for the 14th Ateneo National Writers Workshop. His work has appeared in Transit: an Online Journal, Underwood Press, Cordite Poetry Review, tractions: experiments in art writing, and forthcoming in The Queer Movement Anthology of Literatures.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://queersoutheastasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/QUEER-SOUTHEAST-ASIA-Austere-Rex-Gamao-Happy-Together-by-Wong-Kar-Wai-as-Wishbone-by-Richard-Siken-as-Austeres-Mirror-1.pdf” title=”QUEER SOUTHEAST ASIA – Austere Rex Gamao – Happy Together by Wong Kar Wai as Wishbone by Richard Siken as Austere’s Mirror”]

Austere Rex Gamao is from the Philippines. He was a fellow for the 14th Ateneo National Writers Workshop. His work has appeared in Transit: an Online Journal, Underwood Press, Cordite Poetry Review, tractions: experiments in art writing, and forthcoming in The Queer Movement Anthology of Literatures.
[pdf-embedder url=”http://queersoutheastasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/QUEER-SOUTHEAST-ASIA-Austere-Rex-Gamao-Happy-Together-by-Wong-Kar-Wai-as-Wishbone-by-Richard-Siken-as-Austeres-Mirror-1.pdf” title=”QUEER SOUTHEAST ASIA – Austere Rex Gamao – Happy Together by Wong Kar Wai as Wishbone by Richard Siken as Austere’s Mirror”]